UX & UI Services

Alex The Actualizer

Consultant - Alexander Barnes

UX & UI - CGI & Video

16 years of experience


San Francisco, California


Bringing over 16 years of experience in UX & UI design, CGI and video editing, my portfolio showcases a journey of innovation from landmark projects to modern endeavors. Notably, my work has contributed to the success of Fortune 500 companies like Samsung, DocuSign, and Wells Fargo, influencing major products like the Galaxy series and enhancing customer engagement platforms. My design philosophy centers on user-centric principles, driving intuitive and efficient experiences across various projects, including Scale Up Stream, a platform connecting investors with growing companies.

end-to-end Design solutions

UX - UI & Product Portfolio


Diverse Design

Explore a variety of projects showcasing my versatility in UX & UI design, 3D modeling, and more, highlighting my comprehensive skill set across multiple domains.

Snapclarity - Google UX Design - AmigoCloud - Academy of Art University - myDWIHN - VTA Travel - Solder - Gaia TV - SFPUC - Magnifi - Synchronicity Institute - PSO - Tripwire - Game Server - Reign - Colony Redux - The Amaranth Chronicles: Deviant Rising


Contact Info

Email: alextheactualizer@gmail.com
Phone: (510) 943-8575
Address: San Francisco, CA


 Services Experience

Principal Product Designer - UX & UI

As a Principal Product Designer, extensive experience in UX & UI design has enabled the creation of modernized products, platforms, and services for various clients, including Scale Up Stream, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, SnapClarity, Magnifi, Google Design Challenge, Amigocloud's GIS, Shell Catch's, Gaia TV

AgreeYa - Principal UX & UI designer

At AgreeYa, a global systems integrator, a leadership role was held as a Principal UX & UI Designer, collaborating with teams and utilizing agile methodology to deliver technology-enabled solutions to organizations ranging from Fortune 100 companies to small businesses.

Wells Fargo - Lead UX Designer

As Lead User Experience Designer at Wells Fargo, customer solutions were developed and executed for digital platforms, with a particular focus on the authenticated session and security space. Call volume was reduced by 7%, saving the company 17 million dollars each day.

Enemy Spawn - UX & UI

Managing a team of 16 as a Senior Product Designer at Enemy Spawn, a variety of successful products were designed, including the redesign of Amigocloud's GIS system and Shell Catch's wholesale distribution system. Experience was also gained in team management, web design, and acquiring user data through usability studies and interviews.

UX & UI Educator - Academy of Art

An Instructor of User Interface and User Experience at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, curriculum materials were developed and updated for instructor-led delivery platforms, and the language and processes of UI/UX design were taught.

DocuSign - Mobile Designer - UX & UI

At DocuSign as an Original Mobile Designer, championing the design process and working with cross-functional teams to define product direction, deliverables were produced at every stage of the design process, establishing a creative and supportive culture and mentoring junior team members.

Samsung - Original Galaxy UX & UI & 3D Modeler Designer

As Original Galaxy UX & UI Designer at Samsung R&D, design goals were led, resulting in a lasting impact on the Galaxy S series of products. Working closely with product and engineering teams, efficient workflows were designed for internal and external customers on Samsung's Android platform, user research was conducted and metrics gathered to iterate on designs and produce interactive prototypes, while adhering to Samsung's brand and product design guidelines.

Tech Know How - UX & UI Designer

"Alex The Actualizer" delivered UX and UI design for Tech Know How, as well as video game design services. Expertise in both areas allowed for a seamless user experience that kept players engaged and coming back for more.



In the realm of UX & UI design, a 16-year journey reflects a profound understanding of the essential elements that drive successful digital experiences. This extensive experience emphasizes the critical need to remain deeply attuned to users' evolving needs and preferences, ensuring designs are not only functional but resonate on a personal level. Mastery in UX & UI design demands a dedication to staying ahead of the curve with the latest design trends and technological advancements, highlighting the importance of innovation and adaptability. Effective communication and the ability to work in concert with cross-functional teams are paramount, as these skills facilitate the translation of complex requirements into tangible, user-centric solutions. Moreover, an unwavering attention to detail and a commitment to aesthetic excellence ensure that the final products are not just tools, but works of art that elevate the user experience. This blend of skills and insights, honed over more than a decade and a half, underscores the role of the UX & UI designer as not just a creator but as a visionary, constantly pushing the boundaries of what's possible in crafting digital environments that are intuitive, engaging, and transformative.

In the sphere of UX & UI design, methodologies are not merely a checklist but a comprehensive framework that guides the creation of digital experiences that resonate deeply with users. This involves an intricate dance between analytical rigor and creative exploration, beginning with user research and analysis. Here, designers immerse themselves in the world of their users, gaining insights that shape the foundation of design conceptualization. Prototyping and testing then become iterative stages where ideas are brought to life and refined based on real user interactions, ensuring the product evolves in a direction that aligns with genuine user needs.

The UI design, with its focus on the visual and interactive facets—layout, typography, color, iconography, and navigation—transforms these insights into tangible interfaces that users find not only aesthetically appealing but also intuitively navigable. This meticulous attention to the user's visual and interactive experience is critical in making digital products not just usable, but also enjoyable.

Emphasizing the user-centered, intuitive, and efficient nature of the digital product, UX and UI design methodologies champion a holistic view. They aim to marry functionality with beauty, efficiency with pleasure, thereby ensuring that digital products not only meet but exceed user expectations. This goal is achieved through continuous cycles of feedback and improvement, a testament to the dynamic and evolving nature of design work that strives for nothing less than excellence in creating user-friendly and engaging digital products.

After a 16-year journey in UX and UI design, one accumulates not just expertise but a profound appreciation for the nuanced dance between user needs and digital solutions. This tenure isn't just about projects completed but about a continuous quest for innovation, empathy, and excellence in design. It involves delving deep into the psychology of user interaction, mastering the art of translating complex needs into simple, intuitive experiences, and constantly refining one's craft with an eye towards the future. This wealth of experience equips a designer to not just navigate the evolving digital landscape but to lead it, shaping experiences that not only meet but anticipate user needs, thereby setting new standards in the realm of digital design.

In the dynamic realm of UX & UI design, embracing exploration signifies a commitment to pushing the boundaries of creativity and technological innovation. This endeavor is about more than understanding user behavior; it's about anticipating needs and crafting futures. With every project, the goal is to blend novel ideas with practicality, creating interfaces that enchant while demystifying the digital world. Such exploration thrives on collaboration, uniting designers, developers, and visionaries in shaping the digital domain. This collective journey doesn't just predict the future; it molds it, making technology a beacon of empowerment and connection, driving us toward a horizon where design is not just visual but a conduit for profound digital human experiences.

Building upon years of experience in UX & UI, a designer develops the capability to not only lead but also effectively collaborate with diverse teams. This leadership involves steering projects towards innovative solutions that align with both business objectives and user needs. It's about fostering an environment where creativity and strategy coalesce, ensuring that every product is a testament to user-centric design and business acumen. In this collaborative setting, leveraging a deep understanding of design principles and user insights becomes crucial to crafting products that resonate with users and achieve success in the marketplace.